Donate Now News

Welcome! Giving whatever, you can out of whatever you have helps in advancing our mission.  How much you have to give is not important. Give what you have, not what you do not have.
Every donation you make support our efforts to feed the hungry. run our food pantry and soup kitchen, and provide wellness and disease prevention community education.

 One does not have to make a huge commitment to make a big different Let your willingess to visit our blog be equaled by your action now. Every 95 cents of every dollar donated goes to our cause.

Please select Below, the area(s) you would like to donate and make your Donation using your credit card  or debit card. We thank you in advance for your donation.

1.Feeding the hungry(launch bags with sandwich, apple, orrange and a bottle of water

2. Food Pantry/ Soup kitchen

3. Warm Winter Coats for the homeless who are sheltered

4.Health & Wellness Community Education Program

5.Evangelical Activities.

6. Donate to all


                           DONATE NOW

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